BedTime Treasures

BedTime Treasures are a series of original audio bedtime stories based on self-esteem building themes. Educational and fun, these audio adventure stories teach character building lessons and include inspiring and positive affirmations read by children.

Give Your Child the Gift of Success with BedTime Treasures

Studies have shown that people, who regularly nurture themselves with positive, motivational, sky’s-the-limit materials, succeed, grow, and flourish in their lives.

Sleep plays a central role in the development of young minds. In addition to affecting our happiness, research shows that sleep impacts our ability to be alert, our moods, our learning, our memory and more. Our goal is to assist parents in nurturing the hearts and minds of children toward an independent and successful future. 

A Young Girl Facing Out Towards A Sunrise




Children and Adults Benefit From BedTime Treasures

There are many great benefits of BedTime Treasures!

Original Stories

Self Esteem Themes

In Downloadable Format

Soothing Fun Sounds

Art Graphic Of A Rabbit Giving Thumbs Up
Art Graphic Of A Blonde Girl With Her Hands Raised
Art Graphic Of A Boy In Pajamas

Affirmations Read by Other Kids



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Thought-provoking questions to ask your child


  • How did the young bear show courage?
  • When have you needed to have courage?
  • What Jobs would require people to have courage?
  • How do you feel when you are showing courage?


  • What was the last thing you laughed about? What would make you laugh today?
  • If you were going to draw a picture what colors would you use?
  • If you were making music would you like to sing, play the piano, a flute, or the drums which would you choose? Why?
  • What do you enjoy doing that is creative?


  • If you say Thank YOU, are you showing appreciation?
  • What is another nice thing you could say or do to show your appreciation?
  • Look around you and name something that you appreciate. Why?
  • Who can you appreciate today? How will you show it?